Tanmay Chaturvedi
Innovator/ Product Developer
B. Tech. in Electronics & Communication
Engineering, 2016

"the only way to do great work is to love what you do.."
-Steve Jobs
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Position: Project Officer (Research Engineer) at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
Developed a novel Linux-based optoelectronic sensor for smart building applications
Designed low-power electronic circuits, constant current drivers and a wireless sensor network.
Project: High Precision Wireless Optoelectronic Sensing System
Project |01

Wireless Optoelectronic Sensing System

Project: Smart City Implementation through Wireless Sensor Networks.
Project |02
Position: Visiting Fellow at Singapore University of Tech. & Design (SUTD), Estd. with MIT, USA.
Through Wireless Sensors deployed in residential areas in Singapore, analysed Space Utilization Patterns, Weather Patterns, and generated meaningful insights to improve the living conditions for citizens.
Developed various Sensor Fusion algorithms, and presented high-level and low-level insights of urban residents’ mobility and space utilization patterns for designers to reinvent places.
Used MATLAB tool for sensor data processing, analysis, and visualization.
Improved the data collection process of sensor nodes.

Project: Hardware Implementation of Scalable MAC Protocol for Heterogeneous M2M Networks in a Smart City
Project |03
Position: Visiting Fellow at Singapore University of Tech. & Design (SUTD), Estd. with MIT, USA.
I worked on Seeeduino Wireless Sensor Network Platform.
For RF Communication, used Re-configurable and Programmable RFBee ISM modules and implemented an efficient MAC Protocol on the Firmware of radio module for its autonomous working in a heterogenous network.
Further, I analyzed the performance of the whole network, throughput from individual nodes and parallely working to maintain QoS of the whole network.

Automotive Infotainment System
Project: Development of low cost Vehicular Infotainment Systems
Project |04
Position: Hardware Engineer and Team Lead.
Designed and developed a smart Infotainment System on Raspberry Pi SBC with various On-Board Vehicle sensors. Worked on Raspberry Pi, Vehicle CAN Protocol, managing communication from the vehicle through OBD-II Port, and providing wireless internet to Pi.
Researched on:
Security aspects of Vehicle and Immobilizer systems
Optimal Fuel Economy and Consumption
Intelligent Eco-Driving Assistant
Human Vehicle Interaction
Led a team to:
Integrate the whole system
Manage the back-end part
Build a smartphone app

Download Full Project Report
Project: Low Power FIR Filter using Xilinx FPGA.
Project |05
​Position: Team Lead
Designed and implemented a Low Power FIR Filter on Xiling FPGA
Worked on Xilinx Family Spartan3E, device XC3S100E and programmed using VHDL
Reduced dynamic power consumption up to 33% using least Tap filter design.

Video to be Uploaded soon. :)
Project |06
Project: Advanced Human Computer Interaction
For the sole purpose of learning HCI, worked on Microsoft Kinect and devloped various computer based applications for Gesture Recognition, Posture Recognition and Audio recognition.