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Below are my Certificates and Awards achieved throughout my Bachelors Of Technology (B. Tech.) degree programme at The LNM Institute of Information Technology (The LNM-IIT, Jaipur), Batch of 2016.

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IEEE TENCON 2016, Singapore

Presented my paper at the IEEE TENCON'16, Singapore conference. Theme: Technologies for Smart Nation.

Teaching Assistant

Delivered lecture on Embedded Systems to UG and PG students.

Teaching Assistant

Conducted workshop on BeagleBone, mentoring 54 students

IEEE Research Cum Internship Summit

Gave talk on connected vehicles and its future potential

TI Innovation Challenge (TIIC'15)

Certificate for successful completion of a smart wearable device prototype, which can be a life safer for people of any age-group.

Workshop attendee

Learned a lot about Human Computer Interaction

Story featured on

My Singapore Internship story featured on

TI India Analog Maker Competition'15
LNMIIT UG Summer Internship'13

Successfully built an Autonomous Obstacle Detection and Avoidance Robot

Reform'n'ation: IIT Bombay Techfest

Coordinated various social events in college and Jaipur city.

Counselling Cell 2013-14

Mentored 20+ freshers to settle in new college environment.

Speedboat: Quick Innovative Solution

Stood 1st.


Event organizer in Vivacity, Annual level Techno-Management fest of LNMIIT

Prolegomenon- Essay Writing Event

Stood 2nd.

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